We are in a mess.
I can’t imagine that anyone would argue with that statement, but just in case, I would direct your attention to the news. Violence at sporting events, school shootings, smash and grab robberies, human trafficking, and leadership on all levels and from both parties stained with indictments, impeachments, and corruption. I love my country, but I mourn that she has become a vulgar, violent, vitriolic mess.
What can any one person do? Any American can refuse to add to the noise. Practice kindness in your community. Give grace to differing opinions and points of view. Realize that as humans, we all make mistakes. Be reasonable instead of reactionary. Any American can do these things in their community and it will help.
However, as a Christian, a Christ-follower, I know that I can do more. I have the responsibility to do more. I know that God can intervene and heal this land, but have I asked Him to do so? Have I taken my concerns to Him, ready to be honest about what is wrong and my part in it? Personal repentance must come first so that I can go to the Lord and ask Him to intervene. After personal repentance, then what? Our societal dilemma is so overwhelming, it is difficult to even know what to say to God other than, “Oh Lord, help us!” How can we pray for America?
In Daniel’s day, Israel was in a mess, and he prayed. There is a big difference between Israel, who God calls “the apple of His eye”(Deut 32:10; Zech 2:8) and The United States, a nation that has been blessed of God because we were founded on His principles. Still, Daniel’s prayer for Israel (Daniel 9:4-19) is an excellent model for Christians to pray for America. Won’t you join me in praying for our nation as Daniel prayed for Jerusalem?
Oh Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments (that is us Christians!), we have sinned and done wrong. We have been wicked and rebelled: we have turned away from your commands and laws. We have not listened to those who have preached your Word, who spoke of you to our leaders, our ancestors, ourselves, and to all the people of the land.
Lord, you are righteous, but this day we, those who claim the name of Jesus Christ and have been redeemed by his blood, are covered with shame because of our unfaithfulness to you. We, our leaders, and all the people of our land are covered in shame because we have sinned against you. You, Lord, our God, are merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against you: we have not obeyed you, nor lived by your Word. As a nation, we have transgressed your laws, turned from you, refusing to seek You.
Therefore, disasters have come upon us, yet we haven’t sought the favor of the Lord God by turning from our sins and giving attention to your truth. The Lord did not hesitate to bring the disaster on us, for the Lord our God is righteous in everything he does; yet we have not obeyed him.
Now, Lord our God, who has been so gracious to the United State of America, who has protected and prospered us for your name’s sake, we have sinned. We have done wrong. Lord, in keeping with all your righteous acts, turn your anger and your wrath away from the United States. Our iniquities and our sins have made us a laughingstock among the nations, an object of scorn to all those around us.
Now, our God, hear the prayers and the petitions of your servant. For your sake, Lord, look with favor on this desolate land. Give ear, our God, and hear; open your eyes and see the desolation of the nation that was founded on your principles. We do not make requests of you because you are righteous, but because of your great mercy. Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear and act! For your sake, my God, do not delay.
Wonderful post.
My heart is heavy and deeply grieved this morning. It is no coincidence that God had me read your blog post. I join you in prayer. As believers in Jesus Christ, we are not helpless or hopeless. I acknowledge my own selfish desires and lay them at Jesus’ feet in this moment. I lay down my quick temper and desire to lash out perceived injustice. Lord, help me to pray for your will to be done in the lives of our community and nation. Break my dependency on the world’s opinion and teach me to lean into your Word and truth. Amen
Thank you for praying for our country. I join you. We can each make a difference, by our actions and our prayers.
Sharon, an excellent prayer for our country. We can’t go wrong with this model from Daniel. Thank you for sharing.
Yes, our country and world need prayer. I added our country to my daily prayer list too. Thanks for sharing this message Sharon.
So true, I grieve so much America has lost. compassion, grit, and integrity. Good post.