Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. ~ Philippians 4:8
The desire to write has been with me as long as I can remember. Random thoughts on jagged and creased scraps of paper littered my room and filled my drawers as a kid. Because we moved so often, they got thrown away, and that makes me really sad now, in my 60s. I’d love to know what my child-self was scribbling. Now I have shelves of journals and notebooks that are filled with ramblings and reflections, sometimes still on jagged slips of paper. But always the words are oozing out.
A few years ago I felt the calling to start a blog, but the question “what do I write about” stumped me and ultimately stopped me. I couldn’t decide. Those who know, you know, the “real” writers, say to write what you know. But I don’t think that I actually know a lot, although I do have a lot of opinions. Others say write what you are interested in. Well that narrows nothing down because I am interested in almost everything. So, no help there. Then I was advised to just choose something lifestyle related. Lifestyle related? I’m not sure that I have a lifestyle, I’m just doing the best that I can with the time and talents that I have. Not much “style” to it.
Using my talents to the best of my ability for the time allotted to me has taken on a bit of urgency now that I have turned 60. It seems that life has a finish line and it isn’t as far away as it seemed. But I have tasks still set before me, so I had better get going, whether I am clear and focused or not. But starting is hard, and I am still finding my “public voice” for the world, by way of the internet, to hear. I have no “brand”, no platform, no famous friends, nor unique skills. I am a happy woman, married for a LONG time to a wonderful man. We have raised great kids and welcomed other great kids into our family. They, in turn, are going forth and multiplying – to the tune of 7 grandchildren.
I have been blessed with so much more than I deserve, enjoyed all the seasons of my life, and have managed to become passably skilled at many things. Along the way I have met amazing people in beautiful places, all of whom have added to my journey in extraordinary ways. So when I think about the focus of my blog, there really isn’t one subject that I want to write about, but my desire is that whatever I communicate is permeated with the love and the wisdom of the Lord Jesus.
Pour a cup of coffee or tea, open your device of choice, and relax with me. Family shenanigans, new recipes, lofty thoughts, random observations, and the beauty that is found in the ordinary are the things that I want to chat about. Whether we laugh, cry or reflect on everyday happenings and random thoughts, let’s share our daily victories in life seasoned with grace, faith, and love.
My victory today is that you read this post. What victory are you celebrating today? Answer in the comments section and let’s become friends.
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